​35th Annual Kettle McBlain Camping and Biking Trip, WI

We will be at Benson’s Camping Resort on Long Lake near Dundee, Wisconsin, about 3 hours north of Chicago. We had a great time last year and can do a fun, socially distanced event again this year.
Friday activities:
• Tent set-up
• Campfire & fun discussions
• A grill will be set-up and ready to use. Pine Point is not providing any food out of an abundance of Covid caution. We will provide the grill, charcoal and tools.
Saturday activities:
Road biking routes include 38, 56, & 76 mile options. We have maps and turn sheets available for this self-guided ride (though there are usually plenty of people who have ridden these routes before to help show the way). Riders typically stop for lunch in the patio at Fudgienuckles in Glenbeulah. The short and intermediate route riders typically overlap for lunch. The mountain bikers will coordinate lunch times with them. At the end of the ride, many of us also enjoy a well-earned ice cream cone at the Hamburger Haus in Dundee. Saturday dinner will be on your own.
Most years people head to the Idlewile Inn, in Saint Cloud WI.
The Pine Point grill will also be available.
Tiki Beach Resort is a fun place to hit a lake and watch a sunset over water and listen to a rock band. Please note that this place has been really crowded other years.
MTB at the Greenbush trails. A trail fee is necessary in Wisconsin state parks and a State Park parking pass is also required.
Hiking: there are a lot of trails in state parks around the area. Greenbush has the most variety of terrain and a few kettles to check out.
Beach & Long Lake: Long Lake Recreation Area has a couple beaches and Benson's has canoes and kayaks for rent.
Sunday can be a recovery day, more riding, hiking, canoeing, or ???
Included in the trip price:
Camping space in an area reserved for our group
Firewood & charcoal for the grill
Maps & guidance for 38, 56 and 76 mile routes
Awesome company of outdoor enthusiasts
Don't forget:
A bike, kayak, and/or hiking shoes
Quarters for the shower
Camping essentials: https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/family-camping-checklist.html
If you are looking for a ride or have extra spot, please coordinate by posing it in the comments.
RSVP & $$$
Pine Point Annual Members: $50
Guests, Visitors, Non-Members: $55 (non members, need to fill out summer membership form and e-mail to mcdzica AT gmail.com: https://www.pinepointskiclub.com/_files/ugd/111146_f912244af34e48488c7de2b3379ac21e.pdf
Pay electronically via Venmo/Paypal/Zelle to mcdzica AT gmail
Turn sheets will be provided Saturday morning, but if you want to check out the routes in advance:
Short Route
Intermed Route
Long Route
Here is a link to hiking and mountain biking in the area:
Greenbush MTB
Let us know on Meet up comments if you have any questions and Happy Camping!