Hiking, kayaking and camping weekend at Kettle Moraine State Park, WI

Let's get together and have a fun weekend at Pine Point's second camping trip of this season.
We are going to the Kettle Moraine State Park – Southern unit. With more than 22,000 acres of glacial hills, kettles, lakes, prairie restoration sites, pine woods and hardwood forests, Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit offers a wide variety of recreation opportunities.
Bonus: the state park is located in Wisconsin, only 1 hour and 45 minutes (109 miles) from O’Hare, 36 minutes West of Milwaukee.
Hikers can enjoy miles and miles of rolling hills through pine plantations, prairies and southern hardwood forests. Hiking is available on the Scuppernong, Emma Carlin, John Muir and Nordic trails, as well as the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. There are also several shorter self-guided nature trails. https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/parks/kms/recreation/hiking
Kayaking, Swimming, SUP:
The southern unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest has two swimming beaches, at Ottawa Lake and Whitewater Lake. Boat launches are located within the Forest at Ottawa Lake, Rice Lake and Whitewater Lake. The use of gas-powered motors is prohibited on Ottawa Lake. A vehicle admission sticker is required at all three launches. All watercraft must be equipped with a wearable Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device for each person on board.
We will be camping at the group site at the Pinewoods Campground. The campground has vault toilets near the group sites. There is a shower house with flush toilets in the center of the campground. Electricity is not available at the campsites. A Wisconsin State Park sticker is required for each car that enters the property, that can be purchased online https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/parks/admission, or in person at check-in. The price is per person and includes a camping spot for 2 nights as well as firewood, to keep the fire going for 2 nights. Payment guarantees your spot.
if you are a Pine Point annual member, we already have your application and the trip price is $35.
if you haven't camped with us before: welcome! The price is $40 (and it includes a $35 fee + $5 summer membership). To sign up for your first camping trip with Pine Point, make your payment and fill out a membership form https://www.pinepointskiclub.com/_files/ugd/111146_0353d9d157ed495ca6e1be37f48666a2.pdf (mark summer membership) The form can be e-mailed to club's e-mail address: pinepointskiclub@yahoo.com
To secure your spot, send your payment electronically to Pine Point via Zelle to "pinepointskiclub@yahoo.com" and add the trip name in the notes. Reach out to Gabi for alternative payment methods.
A detailed trip agenda will be send closer to the event, to all participants. Feel free to post your questions in the comment section below or message me directly via Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/pine-point-ski-club/events/293146071/
Happy Camping!