White Water Rafting Pennsylvania Oct 11 2019 6pm-Oct 14 9pm
Sometimes you must experience a thing to "get it". White water rafting on the Youghiogheny River (or “Yough”, as it is popularly called - pronounced "Yok") in Ohiopyle, PA, is one of those things! Fully 20 miles of the Yough River runs through Ohiopyle State Park. It’s Pine Point’s fourth rafting trip and we are opening our invite to both well-seasoned rafters and newbies, as we're offering two rafting options:
OPTION 1: LOWER YOUGH (no experience necessary)
This river section is a total blast! It involves Class 3 white water, which means fun waves and fast action is punctuated by easy meandering sections at regular water levels. First timers are welcome. The trip will cover 7.5 miles of the river including a lunch stop. Rafting on Sunday 10.13, 10:00AM.
Video of what to expect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pQaVzP7YWE
Class 4 -5 white water action, meaning it is high intensity, technical white-water rafting requiring prior experience and an aggressive “go for it” attitude. This trip can be only run on days when there is a water release: Friday 10.11 or Monday 10.14
Video of what to expect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfsYeUnJcy0
We are working with Ohiopyle Trading Post outfitter on this amazing trip and here is additional information on safety precautions they take to make sure the rafting goes smoothly:
We will be staying in a gorgeous AirB&B: Marietta House. The house is situated on scenic Route 381 and is just five minutes from Ohiopyle State Park, fully furnished, fully equipped kitchen and includes high speed internet with WIFI throughout: https://www.ohiopylevacationrentals.com/view_property?unitCode=1611-62354
10/11 Friday
Upper Yough water rafting option for those who sign up for expert rafting.
10/12 Saturday
Group hiking at Bear Run Bear Run Nature Reserve - https://waterlandlife.org/land-conservation/explore-our-properties/bear-run-nature-reserve/
(be advised that house touring tickets need to be bought in advance. Purchase on your own.)
Trip to the Falling Water Frank Lloyd House - https://fallingwater.org/
Day ended with happy hour @ Marietta House
10/13 Sunday
10:00AM Lower Yough rafting (no experience necessary)
Cucumber Falls hike and Natural Water Slides:
https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/pennsylvania/natural-waterslide-pa/ https://www.discovertheburgh.com/ohiopyle-state-park/
End evening at Falls City Pub: https://www.fallscitypub.com/
10/14 Monday
Upper Yough water rafting option for those who sign up for expert rafting.
3-night accommodation
One rafting trip
Happy hour on 10/12
Expertise of seasoned hiker and rafters
Early Bird paid by 9/6:
Lower Yough (no experience): $205
Upper Yough (expert): $330
Regular Price paid no later than 9/20:
Lower Yough (no experience): $225
Upper Yough (expert): $350
Late payment paid after 9/20 (depending on availability):
Lower Yough (no experience): $250
Upper Yough (expert): $375
By check: Pine Point Ski Club, 1229 W. Barry Ave., Chicago, IL 60657
(send as “friend” or add $8 service charge)hotmail.com• Electronically: Paypal to dukesno2 AT
In Person: on 9/6 at Pine Point Kick Off party (sign up required) or at monthly Pine Point meeting held every 3rd Tue of the Month @ The Ambassador Public House in Greek Town, 7:00PM
For more information contact Pine Point Ski Club @ PinePointSkiClub AT yahoo.com
Happy Rafting!