Holiday Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange

It's never too early to start planning the Party!
Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, Pine Point Ski Club is hosting an annual White Elephant holiday gift exchange and everyone is invited! Meet us at the Green Eye Lounge back room and let's Kick Off the holiday season in true Pine Point fashion!
For those who are not familiar with the white elephant gift exchange, and would like to participate, please bring one wrapped gift. Something you already own or want to re-gift because it doesn’t suit your taste. According to wiki, an official description of the White Elephant gift exchange is a "party game where amusing and impractical gifts are exchanged during festivities". We'd like to keep the gifts small(ish) and under $10 in value. Please keep in mind that exchange is optional. Your presence is more than enough.
RSVP/Pay (if applicable) by December 19, noon. This holiday shebang, comes with a delicious pizza from the local pizza place, homemade salad, and holiday dessert. Cash bar available.
Pine Point Annual Members $0 (covered in annual dues - thank you!)
Pine Point Non-Members $10 (pay via Zelle AT or at the club's monthly meeting:
Don't forget to check out the fun time we had last year:
Questions? Comments? Please post them below.
Pine Point Board